Renfrew County Collaborative E-Walk-In Counselling Clinic

Petawawa Centennial Family Health Centre
Building a Healthy Community
The Canadian Diabetes Prevention Program is a personalized, wellness program that empowers you to lead a healthier life and reduce your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. The 12-month program consists of regular telephonic interactions with a personal Health Coach, online education modules and health tracking to help you make small, incremental changes that improve your health and reduce your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
Check out this link for more information and to see if you qualify!
Resources: https://www.lmc.ca/diabetes-education-program/diabetes-resources/
Diabetes Canada is premiering this new event for people living with type 2 diabetes and their support network in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin. It is a one-day virtual educational event featuring expert speakers and information on diabetes related products and services. There is a registration fee of $25 – note that there is an early bird fee of $20 which ends April 15, 2021.
Click here for details: https://letsenddiabetest2.ca
Please see the information in the links below.
• FAQs: COVID-19 Vaccines - https://www.rcdhu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Jan-29-2021-FINAL-RCDHU-FAQs-COVID19-Vaccine.pdf
• FAQs: COVID-19 Vaccines for Healthcare Workers - https://www.rcdhu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Jan-29-2021-FINAL-FAQ-COVID-19-Vaccine-for-Healthcare-Workers.pdf
Welcome to our Online Nutrition Class Page!
Each month, our nutrition class will be uploaded for viewing. If you wish to receive handouts, as well as class slides, you need to join the nutrition listserve by emailing jenna.walsh@pcfhc.ca with subject line "please add to nutrition listserve for monthly nutrition classes". Slides and handouts will be sent out via email around the 3rd Tuesday of the Month with the attached video-they will NOT be uploaded onto the website.
Thank you for joining us! As always, please send comments/suggestions to jenna.walsh@pcfhc.ca
Please note these classes are not to replace the advice of your medical practitioner. PCFHC nor the staff are responsible for misuse or misunderstanding of the information within the handouts or the videos. Should you require further nutrition follow-up or medical follow-up, please see a Registered Dietitian or Physician/Nurse Practitioner as needed. Videos and resources uploaded and distributed are property of PCFHC and their developers and are not to be copied or altered. By clicking to view the videos on this site or via email, you are agreeing to these terms noted above.
Are you at risk of prediabetes? The Canadian Diabetes Prevention Program is a personalized, wellness program that empowers you to lead a healthier life and reduce your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. The 12-month program consists of regular telephonic interactions with a personal Health Coach, online education modules and health tracking to help you make small, incremental changes that improve your health and reduce your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Check out this link for more information and to see if you qualify!
Resources: https://www.lmc.ca/diabetes-education-program/diabetes-resources/
2023 CRL wellness fair Eating Well with Rising Cost of Foods
Wondering which milk to choose?
Our nutrition student Rebecca lays it out for you! If you want to chat more about this, schedule an appointment with our RD Jenna
5 simple exercises to improve your balance! Suitable for beginner to intermediate level fitness.
Nutrition Services
Wondering if how you are eating is affecting your menopause, or if you can manage your menopausal symptoms with your diet? Check out Nutrition and Menopause by Rebecca Krieger, Nutrition Student
Menopausal Nutrition Slideshow Recording
Break up your sitting periods with these low impact exercises with Rebecca Krieger CanFit Certified Instructor.
January Nutrition Class: Nutrition and Mental Health: How Food Can Help : https://dl.orangedox.com/FDeEi6Pc2QjJz3ZIJh
February Nutrition Class: Nutrition and Metabolic Syndrome : https://dl.orangedox.com/nutrmetsyndrome
March is Nutrition Month: Enjoy this free e-cookbook compiled by Canadian RD's
April Nutrition Class: This month's class is a quick overview of COPD and Nutrition, including link to COPD and COVID-19 guidelines and our local Renfrew County Lung Health Program:
Nutrition Videos from Niagara North Family Health Team
Pandemic Meal Planning
Healthy Foods for Our Immune System
Family Meals and COVID 19
Curious about the Keto diet?
Here's an overview with our 3rd year Nutrition Student, Rebecca Krieger
Boosting Immunity with Back to School Lunches.
Please view this presentation by Rebecca Krieger.
Feeding Your Baby (with Hamilton FHT):
Healthy Eating for Seniors:
Explained by Lynn Connor, Registered Dietician
In an effort to improve our services we would appreciate you taking 10 minutes to complete our confidential patient survey. Thank you in advance!
Click here to complete the survey:
2021 Patient Experience Survey
Cliquez ici pour répondre au sondage:
Sondage sur l’expérience des patients
Fitness Class Sign Up and Schedule
Rebecca has now shifted to teaching classes in person at the Pembroke Fitness Centre. Her classes vary and include Muscle Madness, Boot Camp, and Senior's classes. You can sign up for classes there using the following link: https://store.pembrokefitnesscentre.com
Join Rebecca, a CanFitPro Certified trainer and 3rd year Nutrition Student on Tuesdays from 5:00-5:30 for her "Foundational Core" class. Free to all and most fitness levels. Read Rebecca's Bio here
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 724 5944 3574
Password: 5sT5QA
Also check out these free zoom exercises class. Please register with Connie.